
7-8-17 Gloriosa Dia

Costa Rica day 3. Today we went to a boys home called Gloriosa Dia located in the mountains above San Jose. This Christian boys home is for boys ages 12 to 18 who have been abused or have parents that are drug users and have nowhere else to go. It was a real eye-opener for our team to be there.

Here are some thoughts from our team member Caleb Hockenberry:
“Today we went on a trip to a boys’ home. While we were there we poured concrete and mixed it by hand, we hung drywall, painted the laundry room and fixed the ceiling in the kitchen. What stuck out to me the most was we take so many things for granted. We pretty much have everything that we need I think that makes us a bit further from God. And since we have everything we could ever want, it makes us not rely on God as much as we should. God has put us in our country and has blessed us with all the things that we have. And there are so many things that these boys we met today don’t have. They don’t just not have things, they also don’t have families. The one small storage room we were hanging drywall in was for an 18-year-old boy who aged out of the program. He had nowhere else to go and he wasn’t finished with school, so we helped fix up this small room because he was too old to room with the other boys. I don’t think I would even be able to imagine what that would feel like having nowhere to go and no family to rely on. This boy had to rely on God for pretty much everything, and us being there was God’s answer to that boy today. I don’t feel like we have the same experiences in the U.S. that we do here and that stood out to me.”

We ended the day in a local park with the boys playing soccer, basketball & four square.


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