Stump the Pastor

Posted on Oct 11 2015, Pastor: Allan Briggs


  1. Why do you say that all but one commandment of the 10 commandments is still in effect? Didn’t Jesus speak of the Sabbath as being for man and for doing good?
  2. Why was Cain’s offering not accepted?
  3. How do we explain Adam and Eve absent incest? Do we believe God created people other than Adam and Eve
  4. How do we explain cavemen compared to creation? Do we think mankind regressed to cavemen after Adam and Eve?
  5. Did people in the Old Testament get saved the same way as they do in the New Testament?
  6. Why did God allow — and even bless — men who had multiple wives at the same time in the Old Testament?
  7. Can you get to heaven if you don’t tithe?
  8. How will everyone get a chance to hear about Jesus before they die in order to be saved?
  9. You are right, it is controversial to say struggling with sin draws us closer to God than victory. I don’t know about you, but I feel closer to God when reading my Bible, praying, journaling, walking with Him in hard times and good. I’ve been taught sin separates us from God. Scriptures like “If I regard iniquity in my heart the Lord will not hear me.” How do we reconcile this in our minds?
  10. Will we see our pets in heaven?
  11. If it’s bad to be jealous, then why is God a jealous God?
  12. What is the private prayer language Paul speaks of and why do people do it today?
  13. Are we in heaven right after we die?
  14. Are we chosen or do we have free will? If God is sovereign, does man really have free will?
  15. Why do we follow Paul’s teaching on not allowing women to preach but we don’t follow his teaching on women having to cover their heads?
  16. What does the Bible say about suicide? Can a believer go to heaven if they commit suicide?